Monday, March 3, 2014

Bans on Firepits Gas and Propane are Okay in Most States

landscaping idea
As many of you know, spring time means the land is starting to thaw from the winter chill, the sun is shining longer during the day and we can finally begin enjoying the outdoors. Even though the sun is warming us up during the days, the evenings are still chilly enough to warrant some sort of outdoor warmth. Fire pits are a great way to keep warm and enhance your outdoor entertainment space.

Along with spring comes the heightened danger of wildfires from the increased seasonal winds. Many states have placed bans on outdoor fires and fire burning. However, the majority of the bans are restricted to opening burning, wood burning (which may create sparks that fly out of the fire pit area), fireworks and trash burning. This ordinance is important and should be followed and obeyed to the fullest extent of the law. These laws are put into place to help prevent wildfires from starting.

However many states fail to emphasize that certain outdoor fire burning systems are STILL ALLOWED! Many states allow outdoor burning systems as long as they are fueled by natural gas or propane and are contained.

We here at Warming Trends have a solution for you if you are interested in outdoor fire pits and burning systems that you can USE! We manufacture the crossfire burner system which is still allowed by most states, regardless of outdoor fire pit bans, because you can use our system with natural gas OR propane and the flame is contained to the fire pit alone. There is no danger of creating a wildfire because there is no natural wood that can spit out ashes into the air. Our flame system is contained within your fire pit and poses no danger to mother nature when used correctly. On top of that, the crossfire burner saves you money by consuming only HALF the gas of a conventional fire ring system. This oxygen to gas mix ratio also creates a flame twice the height of a conventional fire ring system.

To learn more about our cost-efficient and fuel saving burning system, please visit our website: Warming Trends Crossfire Burner.

Finally, we encourage everyone to employ safe and responsible outdoor fire burning practices all spring, summer and fall when enjoying mother nature. Make sure to research your local codes and latest fire ban news as it pertains to your region, but again, most outdoor gas and propane fire burning systems are allowed. Lets help prevent wildfires and still be able to enjoy outdoor fire burning in our backyards.

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